Female Leadership Community at Ocean Academy in Caye Caulker, Belize

The Ocean Academy Female Leadership community (FLC) is an elective enrichment program that empowers young women to strengthen their leadership skills, while experiencing growth and identity development through the power of sharing, teamwork, and earned success.

Encourage them in becoming a strong, fierce, and empowered woman! A leader for their community! Working with other young women to create a unique community entirely dedicated to their needs.

The FLC is conducted around 3 units: ignite, educate and agitate.

Ignite: Create community through safe space creation, sharing of stories, empowerment rituals, and sistahood.

Educate: Empower young peoples’ minds through the exploration of the unique issues affecting young women today through reading, researching, and journaling.

Agitate: Become empowered leaders through the development of a community-based action project that will ignite and educate other youth and/or the larger community, and share the values of the FLC community.


From our mid-semester check-in:

What do you like within our FLC time?

  • I like the laughs we share in the group
  • I like that we share our ideas and issues
  • I like that share our thoughts
  • I like the group because you get to express your feeling.

What do you dislike within our FLC time?

  • I dislike quarrelling with each other over things that are not necessary
  • I dislike that we girls don’t really get along with each other
  • I dislike when many FLC girls don’t show up for the meeting
  • I dislike certain behaviors in the group.
  • I dislike when we don’t know how to control our mouth and don’t speak in order 

Has something changed for you since you are part of the FLC group?

  • I notice that I can ”open-up” more
  • Not really
  • Yes, things have changed. I have become happier because all of us are like sisters and we share secrets.
  • I feel like I have found a home
  • Yes, things have changed, because I don’t get angry very quick any more
  • Yes, I now know how to express myself
  • Yes, I speak up for what I want
  • Yes, I’m learning how to confront someone without hurting his or her feelings.