This is from our brainstorm
- Apologize is a way of saying sorry.
- You apologize when you do something wrong.
- You apologize when something happens to someone and you feel sorry for that person.
- Apologize is to take the responsibility of saying sorry.
- You can apologize by writing a letter, by giving a gift or you just talk to that person.
- You talk to him/her privately letting them know that you are sorry.
- Drawing a nice picture symbolizing you’re sorry.
- Dedicate an apology song to him/her.
- You can just spontaneously shout out ‘ I’m sorry ‘ and hope for a positive reaction.
- You can always do the mature thing and talk to that person about your feeling and work it out.
- It’s showing responsibility and taking matters into your own hand when you do something wrong.
- To apologize is a way of showing respect.