Female Leadership Community at Ocean Academy in Caye Caulker, Belize

The Ocean Academy Female Leadership community (FLC) is an elective enrichment program that empowers young women to strengthen their leadership skills, while experiencing growth and identity development through the power of sharing, teamwork, and earned success.

Encourage them in becoming a strong, fierce, and empowered woman! A leader for their community! Working with other young women to create a unique community entirely dedicated to their needs.

The FLC is conducted around 3 units: ignite, educate and agitate.

Ignite: Create community through safe space creation, sharing of stories, empowerment rituals, and sistahood.

Educate: Empower young peoples’ minds through the exploration of the unique issues affecting young women today through reading, researching, and journaling.

Agitate: Become empowered leaders through the development of a community-based action project that will ignite and educate other youth and/or the larger community, and share the values of the FLC community.


Ocean Academy female students earn community grant from Full Basket Belize

With Full Basket Belize funding, the FLC club can now travel to Belize City in March 2013 and participate in Women’s Month activities and seminars. The grant will also fund inspirational books selected by the girls, shelving repairs in the school library, and the purchase of one computer.
You can read the girls’ poems and reflections on the FLC blog: http://femaleleadershipcommunity.blogspot.com/ and like them on Facebook. 

Full Basket Belize (formally known as International Friends of Belize) is committed to improving the education, health and environment of Belizean communities by providing educational scholarships and small project grants.  The organization is a non-profit made up of former Belize Peace Corps volunteers and funded entirely by donations.  Since 2004 they have provided 21 community grants and 80 high-school scholarships in Belize.  Learn more at www.fullbasketbelize.org.

More photos and student success stories are on the Ocean Academy school website  http://www.cayecaulkerschool.com/projects-news-and-photos-updated-daily and Facebook.  Congratulations FLC, and thank you Full Basket Belize for your support.