Female Leadership Community at Ocean Academy in Caye Caulker, Belize

The Ocean Academy Female Leadership community (FLC) is an elective enrichment program that empowers young women to strengthen their leadership skills, while experiencing growth and identity development through the power of sharing, teamwork, and earned success.

Encourage them in becoming a strong, fierce, and empowered woman! A leader for their community! Working with other young women to create a unique community entirely dedicated to their needs.

The FLC is conducted around 3 units: ignite, educate and agitate.

Ignite: Create community through safe space creation, sharing of stories, empowerment rituals, and sistahood.

Educate: Empower young peoples’ minds through the exploration of the unique issues affecting young women today through reading, researching, and journaling.

Agitate: Become empowered leaders through the development of a community-based action project that will ignite and educate other youth and/or the larger community, and share the values of the FLC community.


The 2012 Girl Effect GlobalGiving Challenge

During the month of Novemer FLC & Ocean Academy participated in Girl Effect fundraiser. We sadly did not win the challenge but we took the opporunity to study the some of the projects and learn about the needs of other young girls around the world.

The 2012 Girl Effect GlobalGiving Challenge is an opportunity for girl-focused organizations and projects to connect with the Girl Effect movement and compete for an opportunity to win a one-year spot on the Girl Effect fundraising page here on GlobalGiving. Twelve winners will be chosen and we will provide them with increased visibility and financial support to succeed.

Belizean Girls, 10 Journals, 10 Flc Dreams:
Every Tuesday afternoon ten Belizean girls meet to read literature and discuss identity, race, self-esteem, anger management, healthy lifestyle choices, relationships, importance of education and career dreams. FLC girls develop inner strength, trust and communication skills in a safe circle of sisterhood. The girls write in their journals and post their dreams on the club blog.

Child Prostitute To Ceo: Transform 500 Young Women:
This project will provide school and after-school vocational training, mentoring, and support services for up to 500 girls in the 10-19 age bracket. West Point (our program's geographic focus) has the highest rate of child prostitution in Liberia. Most girls are expected to work from a very young age, and only if they are lucky do they avoid falling prey to sexual exploitation. This project aims to help them escape this awful fate.

Equip Rural Kenyan Girls To Get Up Out Of Poverty:
Impoverished adolescent girls in rural Kenya face enormous obstacles to completing education needed for self-supporting work. GET UP (Girl Empowerment Team of the Umoja Project) paves a path to success through a comprehensive program focusing on health education, positive relationships, life skills and girls' rights. Community women are trained to serve as mentors, and professional women provide vocational guidance. With effective support, girls learn to GET UP instead of giving up.

Building The Futures Of 100 Zimbabwean Girls:
Zimbabwe is a dangerous place to grow up female. ZimKids is training 100 orphan girls to surmount the economic and social chaos and lead their community to a more vibrant and just future.

Building The Futures Of 100 Zimbabwean Girls:
Zimbabwe is a dangerous place to grow up female. ZimKids is training 100 orphan girls to surmount the economic and social chaos and lead their community to a more vibrant and just future.

Empower African Girls With Hygiene And Education:
The poverty cycle can be broken when girls stay in school. An innovative solution has proven to be key - sustainable feminine hygiene she can count on. With it, she can avoid infection, shame, exploitation, early marriage, and even trafficking.Your support of this project provides girls quality washable sanitary pads and important reproductive health, hygiene, self-defense and sewing training. Girls, families and communities are empowered as leaders and sewing cooperatives gain income and skills

The Freedom Project: Prevention Through Education:
In Thailand, The Freedom Project works with children at risk to prevent human trafficking & child sexual exploitation through education & community development. Through educational scholarships, tutoring, mentors, workshops & additional programs at our community Resource Center, we're helping more than 130 children reach their potential & become the leaders of tomorrow